Friday, August 21, 2015


I like this commercial because the bottom line of the story is that everywhere you go your family will be there beside you. Even though you can't see them but you will feel their love for you especially your mother. I really love those commercial that showed how mothers love their children because I know that it is unconditional and it really affects me when it comes to moms. I love my mom so much and this commercial affects my emotion because the mother of the boy are always there for him even though he is far away. His mother always reminds him that she is always there no matter what happen. I know that my mom will also be there for me because she loves me more than I know. Every mom will sacrifices everything just for their children. 

The advertisement attracts its consumers through emotions and their feelings. Rebisco use the mother- son relationship to show that just like them Rebisco will be there when you are alone. Rebisco product will be your companion when you're sad or happy. The way how Rebisco established their advertisement are attractive. 

Product: Rebisco
Duration: 47 mins

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