Thursday, September 17, 2015

Respect Girls

This commercial is about a girl that wants to fit in a group of boys. The commercial shows how the boys discriminate the girls and don't want to be with them because she is not qualified and the boys believe that she can't do what they are doing. They try the girl through initiation and by opening the Chippy in one hand. They thought the girl can't do it but at the end the girl opens it using her mouth. I can say that the commercial shows that we should not discriminate other people especially women because nowadays women can do what men can. They have knowledge and common sense that they can use to prove that they can do the things that others say they can't. Women are brave and intelligent. In the early era, women are always in the house because their duty is to take good care of their children. The parents are not sending their daughters in school because they believe that women would just stay in the house and sending them in school would be nonsense but today women are more capable to have a work even the work of a men. We should respect women because they need to be respected.

The techniques used in the commercial is wit and humor. It is nice that the commercial shows funny but a lot of knowledge that you can see.

Product: Chippy
Duration: 31 seconds

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Showing some love

This commercial are very realistic. Even though his grand father is too old to remember her name but she will always be in the heart of his Grand father. Because she is the most favorite child of his Grand father he save the other half of his burger just only for her. This scenarios shows that giving love to your family is the most important of all. This commercial is really touching and a memorable one in all of the commercial of McDonalds. It catch the emotions of customers because of the twist of the commercial. Karen, the girl in the commercial have no idea that she is the favorite of her grandfather until at the end it was revealed in the commercial. Most of us would be relate in this commercial because sometimes we are blind in jealousy that we don't feel the love of other people for us. This commercial is not just an promotion for the product but also a branding of McDonalds for a emotional commercials. Notice that McDonalds commercials touches everyone's heart.

The Mc Donalds shows the true value of relationship between Grand father and their Grand children. Even though these commercial is short but they show some moral values that we can use in our life. The technique that was used was Transfer or emotional Appeal.

                                              Product : McDonalds Ph
                                    Duration: 47 seconds

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Father's Love

The things that I like the commercial is being natural of the character. It shows a father who work hard as a driver just to make sure the good future of his children. He is old and he wants to retire but how can his children go to school if he stop working. He sacrifice everything for his family. Every hardship that he feels are all paid off because his children are graduated and have works already. he is now secured that they will have a good life. The Skyflakes shows how simple a person  achieve happiness just like their product even though it is an ordinary biscuit it has something to it that makes one person happy. I also have a father who works hard for us just to send me to a good university and make my future better. I try my best to paid off all his hardship by simply showing him how I love him and study not just for my father but also for myself. 

The ads used a plain folks technique because it shows the locality of the product. It is for ordinary people and for everyone. I like the commercial because of its story and the uniqueness of the idea. How they deliver the lines and create a good image in their audience. 

Product: SkyFlakes
Duration: 30 seconds

Thursday, August 27, 2015


This commercial shows that no matter what happen in your life you must continue to be strong and fulfill your dreams. Sometimes there are ups and downs in our life even though we have many problems we must choose to be positive and be happy. There are people that  always on your side to comfort you when your lonely and that is your family and friends. But no matter what happen life goes on. The ad was about considering all the factors that will affect your life and use it in a positive way. The advertisement also have humorous appeal that makes the advertisement more interesting for the audience.

The techniques that used in this commercial are very creative because they used two guys that describe what is life and what is happening in our life. The advertisement attracts its consumers through emotions and their feelings. They feature some elements in life that product have. The technique is emotional appeal. It is one of the best kind of technique because people nowadays are emotional and their emotion really affects their buying behavior.

                                               PRODUCT : FITA
                                               DURATION: 41 SECONDS

Friday, August 21, 2015


I like this commercial because the bottom line of the story is that everywhere you go your family will be there beside you. Even though you can't see them but you will feel their love for you especially your mother. I really love those commercial that showed how mothers love their children because I know that it is unconditional and it really affects me when it comes to moms. I love my mom so much and this commercial affects my emotion because the mother of the boy are always there for him even though he is far away. His mother always reminds him that she is always there no matter what happen. I know that my mom will also be there for me because she loves me more than I know. Every mom will sacrifices everything just for their children. 

The advertisement attracts its consumers through emotions and their feelings. Rebisco use the mother- son relationship to show that just like them Rebisco will be there when you are alone. Rebisco product will be your companion when you're sad or happy. The way how Rebisco established their advertisement are attractive. 

Product: Rebisco
Duration: 47 mins

Thursday, August 13, 2015

A mother's love

 These video show the unconditional love of a mother to her child. Mother can sacrifice all for their child. She is the one who take care and always be there no matter what happen, You are always on their mind. When you are down she is always be there to motivate you and helps you to be strong in life.

The commercial teach me to give importance to your parents especially to your mom. They done everything and give their best to make you happy. They want the best for you. No matter what you do they will accept you with open arms and appreciate every little thing that you do to make them happy and proud. Some times they have sleepless night waiting for you. They wake up early to prepare breakfast just for you. They accept all pain to make sure that your okay.Even though they are sick they will work to supervise all your needs.

The message of the commercial is to appreciate every mother in these world. I love my mother so much!

                                 Agency: Nestle Philippines
                      Duration: 62 seconds
                      Product: Chuckie Buddy

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Summit Water Commercial

The things that I like in this commercial is first, it shows both inspirational and aspiration. Second, it shows that you need to undergo hardships before you achieve success. And lastly, it encourage me to pursue my dreams in life. I was attracted in the commercial because I have lots of dreams in life not just to be successful but also to give back all the sacrifices of my parents and to give them a good life. I want to have a good future so my parents will be proud of me. The commercial shows sincerity, passion, and determination. You need to be strong in all the struggles in life. This commercial taught me to dream big and make an effort to achieve that dream. I also learn that every success has its ups and downs. You need to overcome all those struggles to be a better, stronger and braver person you can be. 

The techniques that was used are very creative. It is right that they used Nonito Donaire in the commercial because we all know that Donaire is a good boxer and they advertise water so the combination of actor and the prouct is good. The effects of the commercial is nice. It shows the left side the successful Nonito Donaire while on the right side is a boxer that has no experience yet. Overall, the commercial target people by their dreams and achievements in life.  The commercial attracts its televiewers by creating a storyline which focuses on what are the benefits of the product to the person or the consumers. It shows how you will become if you purchase the product. The commercial used a powerful and well known people which is Nonito Donaire. The cast of commercial also have great impact in it. They can attract a lots of customers by simply promoting the product that is why there are lots of agencies that uses influential people such as artist in commercial like this. 

Agency: Redworks Manila
Duration: 30 seconds
Product: Summit Water